Incisor Teeth [7,8,9,10,23,24,25,26]: The Front Teeth That Do It All

Incisor Teeth [7,8,9,10,23,24,25,26]: The Front Teeth That Do It All

The group of teeth located in the very front of the human mouth are called incisor teeth. Their name comes from the Latin word ‘incidere,” which means “cutter. This group comprises eight teeth, out of which four are present on the top jaws and four on the bottom jaws. At approximately twelve (12) months of age,…

Tooth 27 Decay: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

Tooth 27 Decay: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

The Location Tooth 27: Understanding the Lower Left Canine Tooth 27 is the mandibular right canine, as per the universal numbering system for teeth. Present in the lower right quadrant. The details of all four quadrants are available on our website. Tooth 27 Location Tooth number 27 is located in between tooth number 28, which…

The Importance of Primary Teeth: Why Tooth 1 Matters
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The Importance of Primary Teeth: Why Tooth 1 Matters

Tooth Number 1 is one of the most famous of all. Even if you don’t know much about the Tooth number system or their names, you have heard about wisdom teeth. Haven’t You? Tooth 1 is also known as the wisdom tooth. In the Universal Numbering System, tooth 1 refers to the third molar in…

The Upper Left Lateral Incisor Tooth 10: Location, Function, and Care

The Upper Left Lateral Incisor Tooth 10: Location, Function, and Care

Tooth 10 is one of the incisors, and we call it the lateral incisor. Tooth 10 is present on the upper left side of the mouth. Like all incisors, it helps a person break down food. In this way, the food becomes edible. These incisors play a very vital role in chewing food. Tooth Number…

Common Problems with Tooth 16 and How to Fix Them
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Common Problems with Tooth 16 and How to Fix Them

The top teeth, numbered 1–16, are known as the maxillary arch. The top tooth numbering starts on your right-hand side. So your rear right wisdom tooth, or 3rd molar, would be your number one tooth. The top quadrants include 1st, 1–8 teeth, and 2nd, 8–16 teeth. A tooth number system is a helpful tool for…

Canine Teeth [6,11,22,27]: for Oral Health and Facial Aesthetics

Canine Teeth [6,11,22,27]: for Oral Health and Facial Aesthetics

You may have heard a lot about canine teeth, but you don’t exactly know their position in your mouth or their function. So in this very article, We are going to give details about what the canine teeth meaning is. What is their role? And why are they called canine teeth? Canine Teeth Definition Canine…