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Tooth 32: Understanding Mandibular Third Molar: “Location, and Pregnancy-Related Pain”

Tooth 32 is a wisdom tooth and a third molar. People often ask, Is tooth 32 a wisdom tooth? The answer to this question is yes. The tooth numbers that are included in wisdom teeth are 1, 16, 17, and 32. Generally, in adults, 32 teeth are present. Out of these 32 teeth, four are wisdom teeth. The wisdom teeth do not necessarily and consistently erupt in humans. So people normally have 28 teeth in total.

Being a wisdom tooth, tooth number 32 is the very last tooth to erupt. Wisdom teeth don’t even have enough space or room to erupt, so as a general rule, they get impacted. If tooth 32 is impacted and causing complications, then this tooth should be removed. The availability of enough space for the eruption of wisdom teeth will protect people from various tooth problems.

tooth 32 main

Functionality of Tooth 32 in Human Mouth

Some important functions of tooth 32 are chewing food, maintaining the shape of the jaws, and preventing tooth decay. Wisdom teeth play a vital role in providing support to other teeth in the human mouth. In this way, they maintain the shape of the jaw.

The wisdom teeth also play a significant role in clearing food from the back of the mouth and safeguarding against tooth decay. Impacted wisdom teeth will cause problems like pain, swelling, and fever. Wisdom teeth can damage other teeth in the mouth because they are difficult to clean, cause a variety of gum diseases, and are difficult to remove. The eruption of teeth 32 occurs approximately between the ages of 17 and 25.

Location of Tooth Number 32 in Accordance with Teeth Structure

Is tooth number 32 a molar? Yes, Tooth number 32 is a third molar. The often-asked question is, Where is tooth 32 located? Tooth 32 is present in the lower quadrant. In the lower jaw, tooth 32 is present on the right side of the mouth. Tooth number 32 is located on the back side of the lower jaw. Tooth number 32 is the farthest tooth from the midline of the human mouth.

There is a system known as TUNS, and it is used to identify the teeth. This system assigns different numbers to the teeth, from 1 to 32. The upper right molar, which is tooth 1, serves as the starting point for the number assignment, which continues clockwise until it reaches the lower right third molar, which is tooth number 32. There is another wisdom tooth on your lower jaw, which is tooth 17 in the lower left quadrant.

Root Procedure for Tooth 32

Tooth number 32 root canal is a procedure that is used to remove the infected pulp from a tooth. Both teeth, tooth 17 and 32, are present in the lower quadrant. Tooth number 17 is present on the left back of the lower jaw, and tooth number 32 is present on the right back of the lower jaw. If we compare Tooth 31 and 32, tooth 31 is a molar, whereas tooth number 32 is a wisdom tooth. The procedure includes the following steps:

  • By making a small hole in the tooth’s outer hard layer, your dentist can use specialized equipment to remove the soft tissue, nerves, and any bacteria or infections.
  • Following extraction, the tooth will be filled with a specific substance that will prevent any more infections.
  • To be sure the infection is gone, your dentist could wait a week before fully filling the tooth. If so, the tooth will be filled temporarily until the following appointment, when it will be permanently filled.
  • The tooth will be given a crown because it is now more fragile than a “live” tooth. The new tooth may feel sore at first, but it will soon feel just like the old tooth.

Tooth Number 32 Extraction Recommended After Imapction

extraction of third molar

Dentists or oral surgeons can remove tooth number 32, which is located at the back of the lower right jaw. If we discuss the procedure for tooth number 32’s extraction, it is done under local anesthesia. With the help of local anesthesia, the area around the teeth is desensitized to protect the patient from severe pain. However, in rare cases, general anesthesia is also used.

Oral surgeons and dentists use a variety of instruments to remove tooth number 32. These instruments, such as scalpels, forceps, and elevators, will be used to detach the tooth. Yet the tooth can be removed in a single piece or in a number of pieces.

The duration of recovery after tooth extraction is different in each case. After extraction, some people may experience swelling, pain, and bleeding. To overcome the Tooth number 32 pain, bleeding, and swelling, the patients will have to follow the instructions of their dentists and oral surgeons. If patients follow these instructions, they can get relief in a short time. The process of Extracting teeth 32 is somehow painful, but if the directions of dentists and surgeons are carefully followed, it will result in fast healing.

A Dental Clinic Named Tooth 32

In Australia, Tooth 32 Aldinga is the name of a dental clinic. In tooth 32 and other dental clinics, you will get an overarching, complete range of dental care. All the clinics should provide complete dental care, such as cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, sedation dentistry, and orthodontics.

General dentistry includes cleanings, checkups, crowns, fillings, bridges, and root canals. For whitening teeth, bonding, veneers, and crowns, patients are provided with cosmetic dentistry. Invisalign and braces are involved in orthodontics. Sedation dentistry should be offered to patients who have dental phobias or are anxious. The environment of the clinics must be family-friendly.

Why do wisdom teeth Erupt?

Well, there is no specific or authentic reason behind the question, Why do wisdom teeth happen? However, it is stated that these wisdom teeth were meaningful for our ancestors. This is because our ancestors had lots of different diets than we do. So for our ancestors, these wisdom teeth were mandatory in order to grind food. The diets of modern times have changed with time.

Today, people eat softer foods that are easy to chew. According to modern inventions, there are strong utensils that break tough foods, and there is no need for wisdom teeth. People of today can easily chew food with the help of 28 teeth. It has been noticed that the human jaw is getting shorter with the passage of time. Due to this reason, there is not enough space for wisdom teeth to erupt. That’s why it is difficult for the wisdom teeth to come out through the gums.

impacted teeth 32

Is Tooth Number 32 in the Category of Posterior Teeth?

Only canines and incisors in the human mouth are anterior teeth. All other teeth, including molars, premolars, and wisdom teeth, are posterior. Posterior teeth are actually the teeth that are present in the back of the human mouth. These posterior teeth are considered significant for chewing and grinding food. So it is important to take care of these teeth. Patients should be careful with their hygiene.

As posterior teeth are present at the back of the mouth, sometimes they are not properly cleaned. Due to which posterior teeth get many gum diseases and infections. A single infected tooth can affect all the corresponding teeth. This will cause an increase in the number of diseases. Posterior teeth include four teeth; molars, premolars, cuspids, and bicuspids. A person’s posterior teeth can last a lifetime if they receive the proper care.

Pain in Tooth 32 During Pregnancy, Week 32

Most women experience tooth pain when they are pregnant. So we can say that experiencing tooth pain during pregnancy is usual and habitual. You do not need to be concerned about this pain. According to oral surgeons and dentists, women should be thankful to hormones for this.

If women maintain good oral habits, they will be able to reduce tooth pain during pregnancy. The women should avoid skimping on healthy habits. They should make sure that they brush twice a day and floss on a daily basis. The question asked by many pregnant women is:

Why do my Teeth Hurt at 32 Weeks Pregnant?

The answer to the question is that in sensitive areas, if your mouth has blood flow simulation, which is due to hormonal changes. Due to this, women will experience sensitive teeth during pregnancy and feel very uncomfortable. Wisdom teeth are another common reason for tooth pain during pregnancy. Acetaminophen, salt water rinse, cold compresses, and Benzocaine are some ways that will provide you relief from tooth pain during pregnancy.

Another question that is frequently asked is:

Can a Toothache Cause Early Labor?

There are dangerous oral diseases that can cause complications for the fetus. These oral diseases can result in premature birth, low birth weight, and pre-eclampsia. In the case of a broken tooth while 32 weeks pregnant, emergency dental procedures are required. To deal with pregnant women, highly experienced dentists are required. Because they are well-equipped to handle such cases.They are more knowledgeable about safety measures that can be taken to protect both mother and child.

The third question is probably:

Can an Infected Tooth 32 Weeks Pregnant Affect Your Unborn Baby?

It is obvious that an infected tooth during the first 32 weeks of pregnancy can cause infections in both the baby and the mother. Even if the patient is suffering from unbearable pain that causes stress, it will affect the health of the unborn baby. The fever and swelling will also result in stress, and these things will be dangerous for the growing fetus.