Tooth 19 Unmasked: An Inside Look at Dental Wellness

Tooth number 19 is one of the most important teeth in your mouth, like other teeth in your mouth. All teeth have importance in your mouth, as they all together form the structure and aesthetic of your mouth, along with the food you eat, from chewing to digesting it.

Starting from the tooth number 19 location, the tooth 19 is basically located in the lower jaw. It is a part of the lower left quadrant and labeled as the 1st molar of your mouth in the lower left jaw. The lower left quadrant, starting from the center of the mouth with the central incisor. The lower left quadrant consists of a central incisor, a lateral incicsor, a canine, two premolars, and that start the molars with tooth number 19 as the 1st molar in the quadrant. The reason for the comparison between teeth 17 and 30 is that both are 1st molars in the lower left and right quadrants.

Tooth 19 location is as important as any other tooth. Tooths 19 and 20 are adjacent teeth, but a difference between tooth number 19 being a molar and tooth number 20 being a premolar still exists. The basics of tooth 19 will be discussed, including why there is a need to extract it, how to avoid extraction, and what the cost of tooth number 19 extraction is.

tooth 19

Why do Orthodontist Recommend Extraction of Tooth Number 19?

There may be many reasons for the extraction of the teeth. Tooth number 19 extraction can also lie in all those reasons mentioned below:

  • Crowding can be an important reason for tooth extraction. Sufficient space is created in the jawline to ensure the proper alignment of teeth.
  • For some people, when front teeth start sticking out of the mouth, extraction is necessary for good mouth esthetics and functions of the mouth.
  • Impacted teeth are one main reason the tooth is extracted. The impacted tooth is extracted to make room for other teeth and to make sure that the patient is in no pain due to the impacted tooth.
  • If the decay in tooth is significant in a manner that it can’t be restored, the dentist will recommend extraction of the tooth.
  • If the tooth is severely infected and there is this fear of infection attacking or decaying the other teeth around, extraction is needed if root canal therapy is not working for the patient.
  • Advanced gum diseases can effect the teeth very badly and can put the whole jaw at stake. To avoid such a mess, dentists go for a tooth 19 extraction.

The tooth number 19 extraction cost can vary, starting from $200 to $1,000 or even more. The reason behind the cost difference can be the geography or complexity of the tooth extraction.

Process of Tooth 19 Extraction Healing

The healing process can be quick or take weeks. There are many reasons contributing to tooth extraction healing. The healing process may vary from person to person. The patient has to follow the instructions of the dentist for optimal healing. Some patients may heal quickly, but it will take time. Some of the common remedies are discussed below for healing:

  • Immediate Recovery: After the removal of tooth number 19, a blood clot will form around the socket of the tooth. This clot will help to stop the blood. After the blood is stopped, the first step of healing is done.
  • Care in First 24 Hours: The first 24 hours are crucial for care. You have to bite the gauze after the blood clot is formed. This will help you find relief from pain. And do rest in the first 24 hours.
  • Pain Management and Swelling: Pain is normal after the tooth extraction. Get proper medication that is recommended by the dentist. Swelling is also common after the removal of a tooth. Just take an ice pack and apply it to the affected area; you will feel better.
  • Hygiene and Diet: Proper oral hygiene care is important after the extraction. Never brush the area of the removal. The extraction area is sensitive at that time, so avoid brushing around that area. Proper deit is required for the healing purpose.
  • Follow-up Visits: Follow-up visits are very important for proper medication. The tissue repair around the removal socket will take some time. The healing of bones, also known as remodeling, will take time. So proper follow-up with your dentist is important.
extraction of tooth number 19

Tooth 19 Root Canal Therapy

We are all familiar with the tooth number 19 position. It is a vital component of our dental structure. If this tooth pulp gets infected, then the root canal is the procedure to cure the infected area. The preservation of the tooth is very important; otherwise, the dental structure will be effected.

Tooth number 19 root canal process involves the removal of the infected pulp or the damaged tissues. This process is very painful for the patient. The dentist first numbs the infected area. If this infection is not properly cured, it will infect other areas as well. Check out the root canal treatment here.

The root canal process starts with numbing to ensure that the process will be painless. The comfort of the patient is the first priority. After numbing, they will access the hole to extract the infected pulp or the blood vessels. After the removal and cleaning, they will fill the hole with some biocompatible material. This will seal the hole and prevent any other infections.

To save the native tooth and avoid extraction, tooth number 19 root canals are a common and very successful surgery. It guarantees the long-term health of your oral structure. It will help in relieving pain. For an accurate diagnosis and swift relief, speaking with a dentist is crucial if you have a recurrent toothache or sensitive teeth in tooth 19. The root canal cost for tooth number 19 ranges from $600 to $1200.

root canal therapy for tooth number 19

Number of Roots in Tooth 19

Most people want to know how many roots tooth 19 has. Tooth 19, the lower left first molar, has mainly two roots: a mesial root and a distal root. The anatomy of teeth varies from person to person. The study of the roots of every tooth is necessary for dental studies. This will help the dentist in the process of extraction or root canal treatment.

There are a few misconceptions that people have in their minds when they are recommended for root canal therapy. A few of them are:

  • Is root canal therapy painful? Any treatment using surgical instruments causes some pain, but with the latest technology and the advancement in medicine, it has been very helpful in reducing or even managing to avoid pain completely.
  • Is extraction a better option? No, the dentist always recommends that you have your natural teeth and avoid extraction, as once the jawbone is disturbed, all your teeth are at stake.
  • Is root canal treatment causing illness in the patients? There are these myths in the market that root canal therapy can cause cancer or make you ill after the treatment. Getting ill can be a very generic pain and a little dizziness due to medicine or fever because of pain. But no other illness is caused by root canal therapy.
  • Does root canal therapy involve removing the roots of the teeth? People have very wrong perceptions regarding the treatment and are afraid of the root removal from the teeth. While all those root canal treatments involve the removal of pulp that is infected or decayed due to bacteria attacking the teeth. All you have to do is avoid sugary drinks and foods and make a habit of practicing proper oral hygiene for your teeth.

Tooth Number 19 Meridian

In Chinese traditional medicine, they believe that every tooth is connected to some organs. If decay occurs in any tooth, it will automatically damage the organ connected to it. Chronic oral inflammation can have negative impacts on other organs. Bacteria can enter the bloodstream and occasionally find their way to the heart and other organs due to long-term inflammation, which sets off the body’s inflammatory response. Identification of oral systemic linkages may be improved by knowledge of meridians.

In order to help consumers and dental professionals consider how a dental condition may be related to a particular acute or ongoing disease. Tooth 19 corresponds to the Small Intestian Meridian. Any issue related to tooth 19 will affect the meridian of the small intestine. Other health issues may also arise with the infection in the small intestine. This rule is not universally accepted. But the best thing is that if there is some issue with your teeth, just consult with your dentist and some other health practitioners as well. This will balance your health issues if they arise due to meridians.

Acupuncturists and other practitioners of alternative medicine may treat dental problems by applying acupuncture points connected to particular meridians. The goal is to perhaps enhance oral health while reestablishing the body’s energy flow in balance.

It’s important to remember that, despite their historical and cultural interest, orthodox Western medicine does not generally embrace these ideas. The specific meridian-tooth correlations lack a solid scientific foundation, and traditional dental treatment is still the mainstay for preserving oral health.