
Spotlight on Tooth 18: Beyond the Back Teeth

Tooth number 18 is a very important tooth in our mouth, just like all the other teeth. The teeth are not only meant to chew food and help with digestion but also to maintain the aesthetic of your mouth, whether you talk or smile.

Where is Tooth 18 Located?

The tooth 18 location is in the lower left quadrant, as is the 2nd molar in the lower jaw. The quadrant starts from the center of the mouth, and it is located at the 7th position in the quadrant as we start from the left central incisor. The lower left quadrant contains 2 incisors (central and lateral), 1 canine, 2 premolars, and 3 molar teeth, just like all other quadrants in your mouth.

Tooth number 18’s location is very sensitive, as it is at the back of the mouth. The brush is not able to clean these molars properly, and there is a greater chance of tooth decay or infection. Tooth 17 and 18 both belong to the same quadrant, and both are molars.

tooth 18 main

Why do Molars Get Infected Easily?

If there is dental decay, an abscess can develop. It can also happen if a tooth is fractured, chipped, or otherwise wounded. Bacteria can reach the pulp of the tooth through pores in the enamel. Infection can spread from the tooth’s root to the bones that support the tooth. The infection can lead to extraction or treatment that can be followed by a dentist, or many of the time you can cure the infection by home remedies if the infection is not that severe.

  • Home Remedies Include: saltwater rinse, cold compress, or pain relievers.
  • Professional Treatment Include: root canal treatment, incision or drainage, antibiotics, or tooth 18 extraction.

Prevention from Tooth Number 18 Infection

Good oral hygiene is the most effective strategy to avoid a tooth infection. Brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing once a day, and visiting your dentist for regular examinations and cleanings are all part of it.

Here are some extra preventative measures for tooth infections:

  • Sugary drinks and snacks should be avoided.
  • Avoid smoking or using tobacco products.
  • Get regular dental cleanings and checkups.
  • If you have any of the symptoms of a tooth infection, you should see your dentist right away.
Decay prevention tooth number `18

Professional Treatments for Infected Tooth 18

The professional treatments for infected tooth 18 or all other teeth include tooth extraction or root canal treatment. We will be discussing both of them on dentist and patient terms.

2nd Molar Extraction (Procedure & Aftercare)

Tooth 18 extraction is necessary when the tooth is decayed and not able to be recovered in any way. How does the dentist decide if tooth number 18 extraction is needed or not?

  • Tooth decay: Extensive decay that cannot be treated properly with a dental filling or crown may necessitate extraction.
  • Periodontal Disease: Advanced gum disease can result in the loss of supporting bone around the tooth, requiring extraction.
  • Impaction: A molar may need to be extracted if it is impacted, which means it hasn’t entirely erupted through the gum.
  • Orthodontic Treatment: In some circumstances, orthodontists may advise molar extraction to provide room for perfect tooth alignment.
  • Severe cracks or fractures: That limit the structural integrity of the tooth might require extraction.
  • Infection or Abscess: If a molar becomes infected and cannot be adequately treated with antibiotics or root canal therapy, extraction may be required.
  • Overcrowding: When there isn’t enough space in the mouth, a molar may need to be extracted to make room for other teeth.
  • Failing Previous Dental Procedures: Extraction may be recommended if a previous dental procedure, such as a root canal, was ineffective or if the condition reoccurs.
  • Malpositioned Teeth: If a molar is significantly misaligned and cannot be repaired with orthodontic therapy, it may be necessary to extract it.

The amount of Tooth 18 extraction pain a patient feels during and after can vary depending on a number of factors, including the extraction’s complexity, the patient’s pain tolerance, and the type of anesthesia or sedative utilized. Here’s an overall overview:

  1. The majority of tooth extractions are done with local anesthesia, which numbs the area around the tooth. During the extraction, patients should not feel any pain, but they may sense pressure or other unpleasant sensations. Dentists might use sedation to ease nervous patients or for more complex extractions. Depending on the circumstances, this can range from mild sedation to full anesthesia.
  2. Patients might experience soreness, swelling, and bleeding following the extraction. This is normal and is usually treated with gauze and a little pain reliever. Dentists frequently prescribe pain medication for a few days after surgery to relieve any post-operative discomfort. Pain medications sold over the counter may also be recommended.
  3. The initial soreness normally decreases within a few days as the extraction site heals. A complete recovery could take weeks. It is essential to follow post-operative care guidelines, such as avoiding specific foods and activities, to ensure a quick recovery.
  4. Dry socket is a painful disease that occurs when the blood clot that normally forms following extraction becomes loose or dissolves too quickly. This can result in increased discomfort and a delay in healing.

The tooth 18 extraction cost may vary base on 2 things

  • Geographical 
  • Complexity of procedure

The average cost in the USA can start from $125 to $1200 and even more.

The Root Canal Treatment for Tooth Number 18

A treatment where a dentist creates an opening in the crown to remove the pulp from the tooth 18. Then the interior of the tooth is prepared for the filling. When the tooth is filled, the opening is sealed.

When the pulp of a tooth becomes infected or damaged, dentists usually recommend root canal therapy. The pulp is the tooth’s interior layer, containing nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. Inflammation or infection of the pulp can cause discomfort and swelling, and the infection can spread to the surrounding tissues.

Here are some frequent scenarios in which a dentist may propose a root canal:

  • Toothache or Consistent Pain: Severe tooth pain, particularly when biting or applying pressure, can indicate pulp inflammation or infection.
  • Pulpal Inflammation: A root canal may be advised if there is evidence of pulp inflammation or infection on dental X-rays or during a dental examination.
  • Deep decay or cavities: When decay reaches the pulp of the tooth, it can cause infection and require a root canal.
  • Dental Abscess: An abscess, or pus-filled pocket, can occur at the base of a tooth as a result of infection. A root canal may be required to treat the infection and prevent its spread.
  • Trauma or Injury: A tooth that has been wounded or traumatized, even if there are no obvious cracks or chips, may develop pulpal abnormalities that necessitate root canal treatment.
  • Sensitivity to Hot or Cold Temperatures: Prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, even after the stimulus has been removed, can indicate pulp damage.
  • Swelling or soreness: Swelling or soreness in the gums near a single tooth may occur.

The Meridian Effects on the Tooth 18

The term meridian refers to a pathway or channel through which energy travels.

Consider tooth 18 to see the meridians that connect the organs and teeth. If you look at a meridian tooth chart, you can discover tooth 18 and follow the strands vertically, or you can find an organ that will take you to tooth 18.

Meridianlarge intestine
OrgansLeft Lung, Large Intestine Left
Glandsappendages, pineal
Musculatureupper & lower extremities, trunk
Jointsbig toe, foot, inner knee, sacroiliac joint, coccygodynia, radial hand, elbow, shoulder
Meridian teeth 18

You may see how all of your teeth are linked to one of your organs by using this Tooth-Meridian chart. It means if one of your teeth is diseased or infected, it may release chemicals into your circulatory system and cause sickness throughout your body.

Infected teeth also have an impact on your health by blocking the circulation of energy along your meridians, which act as an “energy flowsystem.” When the energy flow in one area of your body is interrupted, it might cause issues in another. Broken energy flows can also have emotional consequences such as sadness, depressive symptoms, or bitterness.
