

Tooth 14 is a permanent first molar in the upper left quadrant that normally erupts between the ages of six and eight. The Universal Tooth Numbering System assigns a distinctive number to each tooth in the human mouth. According to UNS, tooth number 14 is the left maxillary first molar, and it is considered a large tooth in the human mouth. If we discuss tooth number 14’s anatomy, it contains four cusps (bumps). These cusps are further arranged into two pairs, of which two are the largest cusps and two are the smaller cusps.

Mesiobuccal and Distobuccal cusps are the two largest cusps and are present on the chewing surface of the tooth. However, mesiolingual and distolingual are the two smaller cusps that are present on the tongue side of the mouth. If we discuss Tooth 14 roots, they total three in number, which are completely fused together, but sometimes these roots are thoroughly or partially separated from each other. The roots of tooth number 14 are anchored in the bone of the top jaw and thus play an important role in preventing dislocation of the tooth.

Tooth number 14 is the very first molar tooth to erupt in the upper jaw. If we confer the function of tooth number 14, it is an important tooth and performs significant functions. Its presence helps people establish a proper bite, and it also helps people chew food. Furthermore, it is important for speech development. Both tooth 13 and 14 have large grinding surfaces and also help and support each other to stay in their places. Tooth 12–13–14 are the teeth that are present in the upper quadrant, and all of them have different durations of eruption.

Tooth 12 erupts between the ages of 11 and 13 years, tooth 13 erupts between the ages of 12 and 14 years; and tooth 14 erupts between the ages of 13 and 15 years.

Tooth 14 main

Finding Tooth Number 14: A Step-by-Step Guide

People often ask about tooth 14’s location, and its knowledge is also mandatory for dentists and oral surgeons in order to treat teeth. Tooth 14 is present on the left side of the upper quadrant. It is present in the second quadrant, which is another name for the upper left quadrant. Tooth 14 is located on the back side of the mouth, behind the premolars. In general, the maxillary first molars are present in the upper jaw between the regions of second premolars and second molars.

Both second premolars are located in a lateral position from the first molars, which means that they are present away from the midline of the face. However, the first molars are situated closer to the midline of the face than either of the second molars. Tooth 14 endo access refers to the access opening for a root canal on tooth number 14. The access opening for tooth 14 is made on the tongue side of the mouth, which is also known as the palatal surface.

The endoaccess for tooth 14 is large enough to help dentists and oral surgeons treat and diagnose the teeth in a better way. The following steps are involved in the endoaccess for tooth number 14:

  • The area will be numbed with the help of local anesthesia, and a high-speed drill can be used to create a small opening in the palatal surface of the tooth.
  • In order to clean and widen the access opening, the dentists will use files and irrigation solutions.
  • Dentists and oral surgeons will use a microscope to confirm that all teeth have been cleaned.
  • After that, the canals will be filled with root canal filling material.

This process can take about 30 to 60 minutes, but it is a very effective way of treating the tooth.

Tooth 14 Extraction (Depending on the Condition of the Tooth)

The Tooth number 14 extraction is different for each individual. In some cases, tooth 14 can be extracted under local anesthesia, whereas in some rare cases, tooth 14 can be extracted using general anesthesia. Oral surgeons or dentists can use the forceps to grasp the tooth. By using these forceps, the dentist can move the teeth back and forth and lose them easily. The tooth can be extracted in one piece or in many pieces. The dentist can numb the site of extraction and place a gauze pad over the socket.

After tooth number 14 extraction, patients can experience some discomfort and bleeding for a few days. Patients should take the medications recommended by the dentists on a regular basis in order to get healed. There are certain risks after tooth extraction.

Dry Socket Decay
  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Nerve damage 
  • Dry socket
  • Fracture of the jawbone

Tooth Decay Pain Relief Methods

  • By applying cold compressions to the extraction site, patients will get relief.
  • Patients should try to eat soft foods and avoid hard foods.
  • They should take the prescribed medicines on a regular basis.
  • They should visit their dentist for regular checkups.

Dental Implant Cost for Tooth Number 14

Tooth number 14 implant cost varies depending on different factors, such as the type of implant used, the experience of the dentists, and other dental procedures that are required. So patients can expect to pay between $3,000 and $5,000 for the implant of a single tooth. The most common type of implant is titanium, and the cost is between $1,000 and $2,000. The most expensive and biocompatible type of implant is the zirconium implant.

The part of the implant that connects the implant with the crown is called the abutment, and each abutment costs different. Overall surgery, anesthesia, crown, and other costs are also included in the implant cost. Tooth number 14 extraction costs change in each case. In simple extraction, the minimum cost is $75, and the maximum cost is $250. Whereas in surgical extraction, the minimum cost is $300 and the maximum cost is $500. Yet in the case of an impacted tooth extraction, dentists can charge between $500 and $1000.

However, if the patients have dental insurance, their extraction cost will be covered, and the amount of the coverage can change depending on the plan of the patients.  Tooth extraction day 14 is the day when the extracted site should be completely healed. On the 14th day after tooth extraction, new tissue appears in the socket. and the pain and swelling have almost gone. But still, the patients should avoid chewing on that specific site and take the pain medications prescribed by their dentists and oral surgeons.

Things to Take Into Consideration on 14th Day of Extraction

On the 14th day after extraction, the patients should keep taking things into consideration.

  • Patients can continue to brush and floss their teeth as they did before the extraction. But they should avoid brushing on the extraction site directly.
  • They should eat soft foods and avoid hard foods and sugary drinks.
  • They should drink healthy fluids and take plenty of rest.

But if they experience Tooth extraction pain after 14 days or an increment in pain and swelling, fever, bleeding, a foul odor or pus from the extraction site, or a dry socket after tooth extraction, they should visit their surgeon.

How Much Does a Root Canal Treatment Cost for 14th Teeth?

A Tooth 14 root canal is the treatment in which the infected or damaged pulp is removed from the tooth’s root canal system. The tooth contains a soft tissue that is a combination of nerves and blood vessels and is known as the pulp. As the pulp gets infected or damaged, it can lead to many dental issues like pain, tooth decay, and swelling. The root canal procedure can be performed in one to two hours, approximately. Dentists will first numb the area of the infected tooth and then create a small hole in the tooth.

The hole is basically created in order to access the infected pulp. After that, the vagalized pulp will be removed. Root canal treatment is the best way to clean a tooth and make it healthy. At the end, the dentists or oral surgeons fill the tooth to prevent future decay. Root canal treatment is the best way to save a tooth from being extracted. Sometimes it also happens that after root canal treatment, teeth remain at risk of extraction.

However, root canal treatment for teeth is costly, but it is less expensive as compared to tooth implants and extraction. Tooth 14 root canal costs vary in each case and depend upon the following factors:

  • Location
  • Complexity of the procedure
  • Dentist’s fees

Varied Cost of Root Canal Treatment

The cost of a root canal varies depending on the location of the dentist’s office. Anyhow, root canal treatments are considered more expensive in urban areas as compared to rural areas. Moreover, if the case is more complex and severe, the dentists will ask for a great deal to treat the root canal. Yet the dentist’s fee is the factor that plays a mandatory role in the cost of Tooth Number 14 root canal treatment.

Each dentist can charge according to their personal preference. However, an approximate value for the root canal treatment cost is between $500 and $1,500. Other factors are included in the root canal treatment cost, such as X-rays, Medications, and Crowns. As we know, X-rays are very important for the diagnosis of root canals, so patients will have to pay for them.

Dentists and oral surgeons also offer some antibiotics in order to prevent pain, infection, and other dental issues, so medication charges are also included in treatment costs. The crowns are used to protect the teeth from the root canal, and their price is also included in the root canal cost.     

Tooth 14 and its Association with Meridian

Tooth number 14, which is the first molar in the upper jaw, is associated with the kidney meridian. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the kidney meridian is one of the 12 major meridians. It begins at the kidney and moves down to the inner thigh and foot. The kidney meridian is also associated with the bladder, kidneys, bones, and reproductive organs. According to the Tooth Meridian Chart, if the patient experiences problems with tooth 14, this can result in kidney problems such as kidney stones and chronic diseases.

Emotional stress can also damage tooth number 14 because the kidneys are linked with the emotions of fear, stress, and anxiety. If the patients experience pain in their teeth, they should consult their dentist or oral surgeon and follow their instructions. Following are the symptoms if the patient has problems with the Tooth 14 meridian.

  • Fatigue
  • Frequent urination
  • Back pain
  • Muscle cramps
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Weakness
Meridian for upper jaw

Yet the thing to be noticed is that the Meridian Tooth Chart is not an alternative to medical advice. Anyhow, this tooth chart is an important tool that provides sufficient information about the problems related to tooth number 14 and overall health.