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Molar Teeth Importance: 12 Unsung Heroes of The Your Mouth

Molar teeth are present at the back of the human mouth, very beautifully carved, being flat in shape and large in size. The molar tooth is considered a functional and special tooth for grinding food. The molars contain four of five cusps, and these cusps are actually the bumps on the surface of the crown. These cusps of molars play a significant role in crushing and grinding the food into tiny paricles and making the food easily digestible.

If we deliberate on Molar tooth numbers, there are twelve molars in total, out of which six are present in the upper jaw and six in the lower jaw. If we discuss the first molar teeth, they are present at the back of your mouth. Whereas the Second molar teeth are located exactly behind the first molar teeth. Yet in humans, the third molar teeth are named as wisdom teeth, and they are the very last tooth to erupt. The molar teeth cover tooth 2 and tooth 32.

The third molar tooth is not always present in the human mouth; in some cases, this tooth does not even erupt, and in some cases, its removal becomes mandatory. If we discuss molar tooth roots in each molar tooth, the number of roots is different because it depends on the type of tooth. Typically, the first and second molars are the teeth that contain three roots. Whereas Third molars may have two or three roots. You can check out Tooth 15 Anatomy on our website.

People often ask, that Are molars wisdom teeth? The answer to the question is yes. But only the third molars in each quadrant are called wisdom teeth, not all 12 molars. If we correlate molars and premolars, molars are located at the back of the mouth, whereas premolars are present between canines and molars. Do molar teeth fall out? Yes, molars do fall out, even in infants.  The process by which molar tooth fall out is referred to as exfoliation. 

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The Role of Molars in the Digestive System

Molars have some important functions, such as making food chewable by grinding or shearing it into small pieces. Molars mix the food with saliva and help begin the digestion process. Molars are crucial for the maintenance of good oral health and nutrition. If 1st molar teeth, 2nd molar teeth, and 3rd molars are not present in the mouth, people will have difficulty chewing food properly, due to which they will face malnutrition and other health problems.

Another Molar Teeth function is to sustain and preserve the real and genuine alignment of the jaw. Another important and primary function of molar teeth is to fend off food that gets stuck between the teeth. Molar teeth are also considered mandatory because they help people with speech. They are also helpful in keeping the teeth in their exact position and preventing dislocation of the teeth. You should brush your teeth twice a day, each for 2 minutes, and avoid sugary drinks and foods.

The eruption age of molars is approximately between the ages of 17 and 21.

Getting a Molar Tooth Pulled: What You Need to Know

Oral surgeons or dentists recommend a surgical procedure for molar teeth removal. Often, people ask, Why do people get their molar teeth removed? There are a number of reasons behind the removal of molars, such as:

  • Tooth decay or infection
  • An impacted tooth
  • Gum disease
  • Temporomandibular joint disorder

If the tooth is gravely and critically damaged, its removal becomes urgent and compulsory. In this way, the surrounding teeth can be protected from being infected. If we discuss an impacted tooth, it is basically a tooth that is inadequate to erupt properly and causes irritation, pain, and other problems. That’s why its removal is a must. Such a condition occurs when the teeth do not have enough space to erupt.

In cases of gum disease, the supporting bone around the tooth breaks, resulting in the loss of other teeth, including molars. For this reason, dentists frequently advise the removal of such molars to stop the spread of gum disease. A condition in which the jaw joint is affected is known as temporomandibular joint disorder, which results in severe pain and inflammation and makes it difficult to chew. That’s why Temporomandibular joint disorder leads to the removal of molar teeth.

The removal process of molars involves local anesthesia; however, in complicated or complex situations, oral surgeons often recommend general anesthesia. The removal of molars can also cause some risks, such as swelling, bleeding, and infection.

In rare cases, you will see alternatives to the removal of molar teeth, like:

  • Orthodontic treatment
  • Root canal treatment
  • Sugery

Before selecting any of these options, you should consult your dentist or oral surgeon first.

Can Molar Teeth Grow Back?

This is a very common question.The answer is absolutely not; once the molars have been lost or removed, there is no chance to get them back. So thinking about the replacement of molars with any other tooth is completely wrong. Anyway, in such cases, there are certain exceptions, such as when some people have extra molars, which are called supernumerary molars. So these teeth can erupt to replace lost molars. People with a lost molar tooth can replace it with a dental implant, a bridge, or dentures.  

When do Molar Teeth Come in?

In general, there are two sets of molars in the human mouth: baby molars and permanent molars. If we discuss baby molars, they begin to appear approximately around the ages of 12–16 months. Molars are the very last teeth to erupt in babies mouths, and they can be substituted by the permanent molars approximately between the ages of 6 and 12.

Anyhow, permanent molars come into existence, and they are 12 in number, out of which six are present in the upper jaw and six in the lower jaw. Behind the baby molar, the first permanent molars are located, which support the baby molars and prevent them from falling down. The remaining permanent molars erupt in the spaces left by the fallen baby molars. The eruption timing for molars is different for each child.

If we discuss Molars age, the first permanent molars are estimated to erupt between the ages of 6 and 7 years. Second permanent molars erupt between the ages of 11 and 13 years old, and third permanent molars erupt between the ages of 17 and 21 years approximately. Some additional tips are provided in order to help your child through the teething process.

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  • Provide your child with a teething toy so that they can chew it
  • Apply cold compressions to your child’s gums in order to provide them with relief
  • Be calm and patient because teething is a difficult time for both the child and parents
TeethEruption Age
1st Molars6-7 Years
2nd Molar11-13 Years
3rd Molar17–21 or (Wisdom Teeth, teens–late fourties)
Eruption Age of Molar Teeth

Molar Tooth Pain: When to See a Dentist

If we discuss molar tooth pain, it is simply referred to as a toothache. This is a kind of dental problem that is quite enervating and unbearable. There are a number of things that can lead to molar pain, and once dentists and oral surgeons identify the cause, they can come up with a successful treatment. Following are the causes of Second molar teeth pain:

  • Tooth decay (cavities)
  • Gum diseases
  • Impacted wisdom teeth
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding)
  • Trauma or injury
  • Dental procedures

The acids produced by the mouth corrode and destroy tooth enamel and cause cavities. Molars are defenseless because they contain deep grooves and crevices, due to which bacteria and food particles are confined. Another cause of pain in the gums is infection, which causes the loss of bone around the tooth. Due to this, the molars become loose and painful.

The molars that do not erupt properly and get impacted are the main reason for pain. There are some people who tighten and grind their teeth at night, especially. This causes extraordinary pressure on the teeth and results in severe pain. Additionally, a facial injury or a dental injury may be the cause of your molars’ discomfort. Sometimes dental procedures like root canals, fillings, or crowns also cause pain.

However, there is no specific Molars Pain Tablet because it depends on the cause of pain. Yet there are some over-the-counter pain tablets; ibuprofen, naproxen, and acetaminophen.  There are a few symptoms of molar tooth pain:

  • Patients will experience severe and constant pain in the infected molar tooth or its surroundings
  • Patients become sensitive to heat and cold temperatures
  • They feel pain when they bite or chew the food
  • They can also find redness or swelling in the nearby area of the infected tooth
  • Even bad breath or repulsive and disgusting taste are signs of molar tooth pain

Patients are also provided with options for Molar teeth pain treatment:

  • Fillings or crown placements are ways to prevent molar tooth pain
  • In cases of gum disease, scaling and root planing can stop or avert molar tooth pain
  • If an impacted tooth is extracted, it can provide relief from molar tooth pain
  • Some people use splints or mouthguards to avoid bruxism, and this is the best way to get relief from the pain
  • Some people take antibiotics or pain relievers in order to get rid of pain
  • To ward off trauma or injury, dental procedures are recommended, and they are the best source of pain relief

Patients should take great care of their oral hygiene and visit their dentist for regular checkups. Because ignoring dental pain is more dangerous and invites severe complications.

Antibiotics, topical anesthesia, and prescribed pain medications can serve as Molar tooth pain medicine. Furthermore, we discuss molars pain home remedies, which are saltwater rinse, applying clove oil, applying cold compression, using tea bags, using garlic, and using hydrogen peroxide rinse (use with caution).  

Wisdom vs Molar Teeth: What’s the Difference?

Wisdom and molar tooth are both types of teeth, but they are somehow different from each other. There are several people with four wisdom teeth; however, some may also have fewer or more. The wisdom teeth may not erupt in some situations. On the other hand, when it comes to molars, they are always found in pairs. And each adult possesses twelve in total, with six in the upper and six in the lower quadrants.

Wisdom teeth do not possess any important functions; they are not mandatory for chewing. However, they can just cause obstacles or complications in the human mouth. While molars are important for chewing food because they have a wide, level surface that can be used to bite the food into smaller pieces, they also play a crucial role in the process. 

Molar Teeth & Pregnancy: Treatment and Complications

However, there are some indirect relationships between molar tooth and pregnancy. For example, poor oral health can lead to gum disease, which can increase the risk of preterm birth. Additionally, some medications used to treat pregnancy complications, such as nausea and vomiting, can cause dry mouth, which can lead to tooth decay.

Overall, there is no need to worry about the relevance of molars and pregnancy. However, it is important to maintain good oral health during pregnancy to prevent any potential complications.

Here are some tips for maintaining good oral health during pregnancy:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time.
  • Floss your teeth once a day.
  • See your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings.
  • Avoid sugary foods and drinks.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

Here are some specific conditions that can affect molars during pregnancy:

  • Gum disease: is a common disorder that affects the gums and tooth supporting tissues. Plaque accumulation, a sticky film of germs that grows on the teeth, causes it. Gum disease can result in tooth pain, bleeding, and receding gums. It may also increase the likelihood of tooth loss.
  • Gingivitis during pregnancy: Gingivitis during pregnancy is a form of gum disease. It is caused by the same bacterium that causes gum disease in people who are not pregnant. Pregnancy hormones, on the other hand, might make the gums more sensitive and prone to irritation.
  • Dry mouth: This is a condition in which the mouth does not produce adequate saliva. Saliva keeps the mouth clean and moist, and it also protects the teeth from deterioration. A variety of causes, including pregnancy, some drugs, and medical problems, can cause dry mouth.
molar pregnancy gingvitis

The Benefits and Risks of Molar Bands

If we discuss molar bands, they are the tiny metal rings that are bonded at the back of the molars and provide them with a secure and protected anchor for braces. The molar bands are created with stainless steel, but sometimes they are also made of other materials like titanium and gold.

In orthodontics, the use of molar bands is highly recommended. Actually, there is a wire known as archwire, which runs through the braces to provide a muscular and well built anchor. These molar bands also help the molar tooth move to their exact positions and prevent them from tripping and rotating.

The orthodontists apply these molar bands when the patients first visit them. Local anesthesia is used to numb the area, and a special bonding agent can be used to bond the band and tooth. In the beginning, these molar bands will be unbearably agonizing, but people get comfortable with them in just a few days. However, these molar bands also make it difficult to brush and floss the teeth, so you need to be more conscientious about your oral hygiene. 

molar bands