Incisor Teeth [7,8,9,10,23,24,25,26]: The Front Teeth That Do It All

The group of teeth located in the very front of the human mouth are called incisor teeth. Their name comes from the Latin word ‘incidere,” which means “cutter. This group comprises eight teeth, out of which four are present on the top jaws and four on the bottom jaws. At approximately twelve (12) months of age, incisors erupt.

Incisors are also known as biting teeth because their primary purpose is to grip food and bite into it. The sharp edges are very helpful in the breakdown of the food. This absence will make it difficult to bite into many tooth-healthy foods like carrots, etc. At the age of five to seven months, the bottom incisors erupt.

Incisor teeth

The main point is that the upper front teeth (7, 8, 9, 10), and the lower front teeth (23, 24, 25, 26) are incisors. The two incisors present on the midline are central incisors. The two teeth closest to the central incisors are the lateral incisors. They are also known as bicuspid, canine, cuspid, eyetooth, and fang. One central incisor is tooth 7, and one lateral incisor is tooth 8 in the upper left quadrant.

Incisor Types of Teeth and Their Functions

Here we will discuss the structure and functions of teeth incisors. If the shape of incisors is concerned, then incisors are chisel-shaped teeth that are located anteriorly within the oral cavity. The incisors have a sharp incisal edge and also contain a root. If we talk about its function, it is to cut the food during chewing. If we talk about maxillary incisors, they are triangular in cross-section. Mandibular incisors become flat at a point where the mesial and distal surfaces join each other.

Occasionally, the maxillary incisors have marginal ridges that are rounded along to display the cingulum pit, thus representing a shovel shape.

The maxillary central incisors contain roots that are straight and robust, whereas most of the other permanent incisors contain root apices that tend to angle distantly.

Incisor Tooth Pronunciation and Meaning

If we talk about the pronunciation of incisors, it can be pronounced this way

uhn. sai. zr

Incisor Tooth Meaning

If we talk about the teeth incisor meaning, they are the front teeth adapted for cutting. Incisor teeth are one of the general cutting teeth found in mammals. These incisors, or cutting teeth, are present between the canines. Incisors are meaningful just because they help a lot in cutting and grinding food into smaller particles. 

Types of Incisors

If we talk about the types of incisors, there are two types of incisor teeth.

  • Central incisor
  • Lateral incisors

If we discuss the central incisor teeth, they are present at the very front of the mouth. They are a total of four in number; two are present on the top and two are present on the bottom of the mouth. Yet, lateral incisors are the two teeth that are present on the right and left sides of the incisors. These lateral incisor teeth are also considered to be in the distal position because they are present away from the center of the jaw.

central Incisors

Classification of Incisors

As the classification of incisors is more relevant than Angle’s classification. In Angle’s Classification, the first permanent molar erupted into a continuous position, within the facial skeleton. It is a fact that Angle’s classification depends on an incorrect assumption. It defines the relationship between molars and also defines the relationship between incisors.         

All You Need to Know About Incisors

Here we will discuss the normal incisor size. If we talk about the width of a natural maxillary central incisor, it is 8.92mm. This value comes from determining the results of three studies of natural dentitions. Adults have 32 teeth; out of these thirty-two, four are wisdom teeth. A full set of adult teeth consists of 16 lower teeth and 16 upper teeth.  

The central incisors (the two front teeth ) length is between 10.5 mm and 12.5mm. And these central incisors are roughly 20% longer than wide. Central incisors are more extensive than lateral incisors. The incisors begin to erupt around six months of age. But if we talk about babies, there will be evidence of symptoms of pain and discomfort before six months.

Incisors Teeth for Human

In humans, there are 32 teeth. These teeth are of the following two types;

  • Primary Teeth
  • Secondary Teeth

Moreover, there are four subtypes of teeth in a human mouth. Out of which one is Incisors. Meanwhile the shape of incisors is chisel.

shape of incisors is chisel

Incisors in Babies (Primary Teeth)

Before the eruption, the edges of the teeth were uneven. Move against the gums, and after that, babies start chewing toys, hands, and other solid objects.  Between six and twelve months, most babies have teeth. The general order of tooth development in babies is that the bottom teeth come before the top teeth.

Teething Symptoms for Babies

  •  At the point of the teeth eruption, the gums are sore and red.
  • They have a temperature of less than 38 °C, which often varies.
  • It causes swelling in the cheek, which seems so bashful.
  • A rash may appear on the face of the baby.
  • Babies often rub their ears.
  • Babies start dribbling more.
  • They start chewing things a lot.

How long does teething pain last?

It often varies how long a baby is experiencing symptoms of teething, but we can expect teething to last about a week. Sometimes it happens a few days before the eruption of teeth, and sometimes it happens a few days after the eruption of teeth.

In the case of babies, at around five to seven months, the bottom front teeth (bottom incisors) erupt, and at about six to eight months, the top front teeth (top incisors) tend to erupt. whereas the lateral incisors tend to erupt at around nine to eleven months.

How Many Incisor Teeth do Babies Have?

Babies have ten incisor teeth on the top jaw and ten incisors on the bottom jaw. Until the age of three, the baby’s mouth becomes filled with these incisor teeth, and at around the age of six, these teeth will start falling down, making way for new teeth (Child’s adult teeth).

What helps a teething baby sleep?

In the case of a teething baby, we can use cold items to numb their gums so that they can sleep well. Also, by wiping away the excess drool, we can provide relief to the teething baby.

At What Age do Incisors Come Out?

Upper teethTooth erupts   Tooth lost  
Central Incisors 8-12 months 6-7 years
Lateral Incisors9-13 months7-8 years
Incisor Teeth Eruption in Babies

How Should Take Care of a Baby’s First Teeth?

As we know, a baby’s first teeth are not permanent, but that doesn’t mean that they have no importance. To keep the baby’s teeth healthy and avoid cavities, precautions should be taken.

  • Brush your baby’s teeth on a daily basis.
  • Serving them with low-sugar foods and drinks.
  • Using a plain pacifier.
  • Don’t use shared spoons and other utensils.
  • Using a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Visit the dentist.

Incisors in Adults (Permanent Incisors)

Adults have eight incisors, four on the top jaw and four on the lower jaws. They help the adults cut the food into smaller particles. This will make the food chewable for adults.

What are permanent incisors?

Permanent incisor teeth include the front teeth. These teeth erupt between six and eight years of age. In total, there are eight, four on the top jaws and four on the lower jaws; among them, two are central and two are lateral. These permanent incisors contain sharp biting surfaces that are helpful in shearing or the breakdown of food. They make the food chewable.

Teeth Number for Universal Tooth Numbering

Here we will discuss the tooth numbering system. The tooth numbering system is concerned with 32 teeth arranged in a clockwise fashion. Teeth numbers 1–16 that are located on the upper jaw are known as the maxillary arch. Whereas teeth 17 up to tooth number 32 are known as the mandibular arch.

Is an Incisor a Type of Tooth?

Yes, if we talk about incisor teeth, they are the most visible teeth in the human mouth. Because these teeth are available in the very front of the human mouth. We consider incisor teeth a type of tooth because they include four upper teeth, which are tooth numbers seven, eight, nine, and ten. And the lower tooth numbers, which are teeth twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, and twenty-six.  

Incisor Tooth Pain

Hot or cold food and other sensations can cause pain when a person suffers from dentin hypersensitivity. On the front teeth, the tooth enamel may wear down very quickly as compared to other teeth. This happens when a person brushes too hard on these teeth. Moreover, it also happens when a person grinds their teeth unevenly.

Incisor Teeth and Canine Teeth

If we discuss incisors, they are eight teeth in total. whereas if we talk about canine teeth, they are four teeth in total. Keeping in mind the function of incisors, they are used for biting food, supporting the lips, and helping in pronouncing words. Whereas the function of canines is also to support the lips and cut food, when a person closes the mouth, these teeth guide the jaw in place.

Canines are present in the mouth on each side of the incisors on the top and bottom of the mouth.

Incisor Front Teeth

The group of eight teeth, four on the upper front quadrant and four on the lower front quadrant are incisors. These incisors have great significance. As incisors are front teeth, they play an important role in the personality of a person because when a person smiles, it is the first thing that people notice. Secondly, their primary purpose is to tear food into smaller particles and make it chewable. These incisors are helpful in supporting the lips.

Mandibular Incisors

In all dimensions, the mandibular incisors are smaller than maxillary incisors. As compared to any other tooth, they have smaller mesiodistal dimensions. The mandibular incisors have crowns that are labial and fan-shaped.

Maxillary Incisors

The human teeth in the front upper jaw, or maxilla, are in general known as maxillary incisors. These maxillary central incisors are often more visible than any other tooth in the mouth. It is present mesially to the maxillary lateral incisors. Mesial means closer to the midline of the face.

What are Incisors and Canines Called?

The incisor teeth and canine teeth not only help a person chew even the toughest and hardest food, they also help a person speak clearly.If we talk about the teeth in adults, they are called permanent or secondary teeth. The eight incisors and four canines are collectively called cuspids.

Are Incisors Milk Teeth?

The first permanent molar teeth erupt at about the age of six years. There are four molars present, two in each jaw, that come out behind the child’s baby teeth. Whereas, if we talk about other permanent teeth, they erupt into the gaps in the gums. These gums are left by the baby teeth, that are lost. These permanent teeth are incisors, canines, and premolars.

Are Incisors Wisdom Teeth?

The third set of molars that erupt on both sides of the mouth, top and bottom, are known as wisdom teeth. When a person is between the ages of 17-21, these wisdom teeth tend to erupt. If we compare these wisdom teeth with the before-arrived teeth, these wisdom teeth are a little wiser. It is clear that we cannot say that incisor teeth are wisdom teeth.

Anatomy of Incisors

If we talk about the anatomy of incisor teeth, they are chisel-shaped. They are present anteriorly, in the oral cavity. With a total of eight, there are four corresponding maxillary and four corresponding mandibular incisors. Moreover, there are permanent incisors that erupt between six and eight years of age. In total, they are eight in number, four on the upper front and four on the lower front of the mouth. Out of them, two are lateral, and two are central.

lateral incisors

Are Incisors Anterior or Posterior?

The word anterior refers to the front. As we know, incisors are front teeth, so if we talk about the group of incisors, they are usually known as anterior teeth. The anterior teeth are numbered 6-11 on the top front and 22-17 on the bottom front. So it is clear that incisors are anterior teeth.

Incisors Relationship With Deep Bite

During tooth contact, the relationship between upper and lower incisors is known as the incisor relationship. The excessive overlapping of the mandibular central incisors by the maxillary incisors in the centric occlusion is defined as a deep bite or deep overbite. 

Is a Canine Tooth an Incisor?

In general, if we talk about canines, they are four sharper teeth that are present on each side of the incisors. Canines also help a lot with biting and tearing food, so they are like incisors. Besides, when the upper and lower jaws come together, they also help guide the mouth closed.