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How Many Teeth do Kids Have? A Guide to Oral Health and Development

How many teeth do kids have? or a human have? This question confuses a lot of people around the globe. The answer we will be elaborating on here is to clear up all the confusion. There are baby teeth, and then there are permanent teeth. We will be giving a brief detail about how many teeth babies get and when do permanent teeth come in, as well as when and how many baby teeth fall out and permanent teeth replace them.

Are you Curious About How Many Teeth do Babies Have at the Time of Birth?

Babies don’t have teeth at the time of birth. Teeth sprout gradually as a baby grows. Teeth eruptions begin around six to eight months of age. It is recommended to consult pediatric dentists to ensure progressive tooth development in order to provide treatment regarding healthy tooth development.

How many teeth do kids have

Primary teeth are present underneath the gums of infants. If some teeth are missing at the time of birth, it is termed hypodontia, i.e., a form of dental agenesis. A baby suffering from hypodontia may not develop the first six teeth. In rare cases, primary teeth are missing due to hormonal imbalance, congenital diseases, or skin diseases. Orthodontics, bridges, or dental implants are treatments. 

How many teeth do kids have? There are 20 primary teeth arranged in the order of 4 sets, i.e., 2 in the lower arch and 2 in the upper arch on each side of the mouth. There are ten teeth in the upper jaw and ten in the lower jaw. Baby teeth start erupting at the age of 6 months. Primary teeth reside under the gums until teething begins. Teething starts at the age of 6 months, and by the age of three years, children have all their primary teeth. For a complete detail on numbering of teeth you can check Universal Tooth Numbering System on our website.

Baby Teeth Chart from Eruption to Development

TeethPatternCentral IncisorLateral IncisorCanine1st Molar2nd Molar 
Upper ArchEruption (months)8-129-1316-2213-1925-33
Falling out (years)6-77-810-129-1110-12
Lower arch Eruption (months)6-1010-1617-2314-18 23-31
Falling out (years)6-7 7-89-129-1110-12
How many teeth do kids have and their eruption age
Baby teeth eruption chart

How Do You Manage the Teething Process in Infants?

No matter how many teeth do kids have at the age of 6 months, the baby’s immune system starts changing at the eruption of first teeth. The central incisors make their appearance first; it’s an exciting milestone. Remember that every child’s tooth development is different from others. The baby gets irritated by the emerging tooth and begins to put things in its mouth.

Teeth eruptions make them susceptible to mild illnesses including sleeplessness, excessive salivation, a runny nose, a change in eating pattern, a rash, or diarrhea. These symptoms last for 48 hours; if symptoms last for more than 48 hours, then you should take your child to the doctor. This might be any other bacterial, viral, or middle ear infection.

A bluish-gray bubble appears on the gum at the tooth eruption site; it is termed an eruption cyst. Keep your child comfortable by giving them additional support. Follow these tips to give additional support to your child

  • Massage the gums with a wet muslin cloth.
  • Put pressure on yourself by using chilled teething rings; it can relieve discomfort during the teething process.
  • Use painkillers like paracetamol to relieve pain
  • Gently dry the drool with a soft cloth. Drooling causes irritation on the chin.

How Do You Take Care of Baby Teeth?

Proper care for baby teeth is very important, as they play an important role in chewing, speaking, and the child’s reservation of space for permanent teeth.

You should follow the following tips to make your child’s teeth healthy:

  • From birth, Clean the gums with a soft and clean cloth
  • First tooth: Wash your baby tooth twice a day with plain water
  • 12 months: Visit the dentist
  • 18 months: Use children’s toothpaste
  • 2.5 years: Beginning flossing
  • 4-5 years: Child should brush his own teeth twice a day
  • 6 years: Use adult toothpaste
  • 8 years: Brush your child’s teeth twice a day and take proper dental checkups 

What kind of Abnormalities do Kids Face with Teeth Eruption?

Parents get frustrated when baby teeth coming in late, and they get panicked. The answer to their frustration is that it is very normal for baby teeth to come in late, and that is not a health or dental risk at all. The maximum age for baby teeth to come is 15 months, and it can be dragged to 18 months. But after 18 months, parents must visit the pediatric dentist to get their baby examined for a late tooth eruption.

There could be several reasons for the late eruption of baby teeth:

  • It can be a nutritional issue
  • It can be geographical  
  • It can be genetic
  • It can be hormonal

Tooth Decay in Temporary Teeth

Good oral hygiene and a healthy diet should prove helpful in the prevention of tooth decay. Decayed teeth may lead to mouth pain, dental abscesses, and associated problems if they remain unnoticed for a longer duration. Severe decay may affect eating and sleeping cycles, ultimately resulting in stunted growth. Adjacent baby teeth may drift into gaps if molar loss is too early. It creates spacing issues for permanent teeth.

Dental Formula for Baby and Permanent Teeth

How many teeth do kids have in each quadrant, how many teeth do kids have in each jaw, and how many teeth do adults have in each quadrant are discussed in one formula below:

Temporary Teeth (20) = 2102/2102
Order of teeth: 2 incisors, 1 canine, 0 premolars, and 2 molars in 1 quadrant
How many teeth do kids have in a Quadrant


Permanent Teeth (32) = 2123/2123
Order of teeth: 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, and 3 molars in 1 Quadrant
How many teeth do adults have in a Quadrant
Dental Formula

When do Permanent Teeth Erupt?

How many teeth do kids have that and adults have that are permanent? Permanent teeth grow from gums after the eruption of temporary teeth starts erupting at the age of 6–12 years. Most kids develop 28 permanent teeth by the age of 13, but three sets of teeth molars take time to erupt. At the age of 25, adults have 32 permanent teeth. Wisdom teeth appear in the late teens and early twenties.

Permanent Teeth Chart from Eruption to Development

Types of teethNumber (Pairs)LocationFunction
Incisors8Front TeethTo cut the chewed food
Canines 4 ( 2 Mandibular and 2 maxillary arch)Adjacent to and behind lateral incisorsTearing food
Premolars or bicuspid8Located adjacent to caninesGrinding, crushing and keeping the shape of face
Molars12Furthest back in the mouthTearing and chewing
permanent tooth

Structure of Tooth

Tooth is the hardest substance comprising enamel, dentin and cementum.

  • Enamel: Hardest white portion made up of calcium phosphate
  • Dentin: Underlying enamel, there is hard tissue that contains microtube-like structures. Damage to the enamel causes tooth sensitivity.
  • Pulp: A soft, living inner structure containing blood vessels and nerves.
  • Cementum: plays a role of cementing material between gums and jawbones made up of connective tissue
  • Periodontal ligament: Ligament holding the teeth tightly against jaw

Tooth Conditions

  • Cavities can damage the enamel.
  • Periodontitis damages the soft tissue.
  • Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums. Plaque and tartar may develop gingivitis.
  • Plaque is a sticky and colorless layer made of bacteria or what they secrete.
  • Tartar: If plaque is left untreated, it mixes with minerals and forms tartar. Tartar can be treated professionally.
  • Overbite: upper teeth overlap over lower teeth.
  • Underbite: The lower teeth overlap over the upper teeth.
  • Teeth grinding: Sleeplessness, anxiety and depression

Dental Anomalies

Anomaly means alteration in the structure of dental tissues.

Dental Anomaly due to Change in Number

Total AnodontiaAbsence of all teeth congenitally
Supernumerary TeethMore teeth than the normal number
Partial AnodontiaAbsence of one or more teeth

Dental Anomaly due to Disturbance in Eruption

Premature EruptionNatal Teeth (Baby teeth present at the time of birth)
Neonatal Teeth (deciduous mandibular central incisor) that erupt in the first 30 days)
Delayed EruptionAssociated with systemic conditions for example, rickets and cretinism
Impacted TeethImpeded by physical barrier
Eruption SequestrumCalcified tissue that is extruded through the alveolar mucosa and overlies an erupting molar

For a complete detail on premature eruption you can read a complete paper on early baby teeth facts.

Dental Anomaly due to Disturbance in Size

MicrodontiaCondition in which one or more teeth are smaller in size than the normal teeth size
Relative Generalized MacrodontiaCondition in which mandible or maxilla is smaller in size than its normal size
True Generalized MacrodontiaCondition in which teeth of both arches are comparatively larger than its normal size

Other Anomalies 

Disturbances in the Shape
Structure of Enamel, Dentin and Cementum

How do You Make Your Teeth Healthier Both as an Adult & Kid?

  • Brush your teeth twice a day
  • Regularly floss your teeth
  • Take a healthy and balanced diet
  • Take routine checkups
  • Quit smoking if you do

No matter how many teeth do kids have at what age and how many teeth do adults have at what age you need to take care of you teeth health all the time and at any age for a better smile and speaking.

Eruption of Molars and the Symptoms

Eruption of molars starts at the age of 12, causing discomfort. If molars grow in irregular disorder, there isn’t enough space for complete development. This misalignment is called impaction and is common in second molar and wisdom tooth emergence. The mouth is already impacted, and there is not sufficient space for the molars and wisdom teeth to grow. They will erupt perpendicularly or sideways, and it’s quite painful. Braces are recommended as a treatment for the alignment of teeth.

TMJ disorder occurs if 12 years molars grow in crooked. It is a joint that connects the jaw to the skull. If crooked molars are left untreated, it may cause difficulty chewing and locking the jaw. To handle this before its too late, consult a dentist for appropriate treatment. It may happen that the eruption of molars starts at the age of 6, or the eruption can be expected until the age of 12, or even more. If you want to confirm the eruption, let us tell you that the  6 year old molar eruption symptoms can be

  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Slight fever 
  • Headache
  • Not able to chew easily

How Many Teeth do Kids Have at Different Ages?

At the age of 2 years, a child can have 16 teeth, except for molar teeth. Molars start to erupt at the age of 2 and a half years, and the last teeth to erupt in babies are the upper molars. 

So coming to the permanent teeth, at 11 years old, a child has the incisors and the first molar erupted, but the total number of teeth can be different at this age as the canine, premolars, and second molar can erupt from the age of 9 to 13 years, but before the age of 11, a child can’t have the second molar as the eruption age is from 11 to 13 years. 

Teeth Facts Related to Baby and Permanent Teeth

Temporary Teeth Fact

  • Temporary teeth, also referred to as milk teeth or baby teeth, erupt between the ages of six months and three years, usually beginning with the lower central incisors.
  • Temporary teeth are necessary for the appropriate development of speech, help with chewing and digestion, and preserve the proper alignment of the jaw for the eruption of permanent teeth, among other crucial functions.
  • Compared to permanent teeth, temporary teeth are smaller and have weaker enamel, which makes them more prone to decay.
  • Around the age of 6-7, temporary teeth start to loosen and fall out to make room for permanent teeth.
  • Ten in each jaw, a child’s temporary teeth total twenty on average, an answer to how many teeth do kids havein a quadrant and how many teeth do kids have in a jaw.

Permanent Teeth Fact 

  • The last set of teeth to erupt, replacing the temporary ones, are the permanent teeth. They usually begin to emerge at the age of 6-7 and don’t stop until they are around 13 years old.
  • Compared to temporary teeth, permanent teeth are stronger, bigger, and have thicker enamel that resists decay better.
  • Compared to temporary teeth, permanent teeth have a more sophisticated root structure that allows for greater attachment to the jawbone.
  • With 16 teeth in each jaw, an adult has an average of 32 permanent teeth.